Tribal Football

Viaplay chief responds to Liverpool boss Klopp: Our reporter did nothing wrong

Tribal Football
Viaplay chief responds to Liverpool boss Klopp: Our reporter did nothing wrong
Viaplay chief responds to Liverpool boss Klopp: Our reporter did nothing wrongFlashscore
After their dramatic FA Cup quarterfinal defeat at Manchester United on Sunday, Klopp stormed out of an interview with Niels Christian Frederiksen.

"Ah, come on. You're obviously not in great shape and I don't have the time for you. Such a question What is wrong with you? What did you want with that?" snapped Klopp after being asked about his team flagging in extra-time.


Viaplay sporting director Benjamin Munk Lund was surprised by the reaction from the Liverpool manager.

"I can see that Klopp is very dissatisfied with a question which is otherwise a very natural and good follow-up to his own talk about recovery and match schedule.

"We try to listen to what the sources say and inquire about it. But Klopp gets so mad that he goes his way. He has every right to do so, and I take that quite calmly.

"We are looking forward to meeting Klopp again," he told Bold.

"But I can understand that he is probably annoyed at having lost a football match."