Tribal Football

Wes Brown exclusive: Man Utd must step it up against Liverpool in FA Cup

Wes Brown exclusive: Man Utd must step it up against Liverpool in FA Cup
Wes Brown exclusive: Man Utd must step it up against Liverpool in FA Cup
Wes Brown exclusive: Man Utd must step it up against Liverpool in FA CupFlashscore
One was at Anfield in the Premier League against Manchester United. On Sunday the two arch-rivals face each other again, this time in the FA Cup quarterfinal, and while lightening rarely strikes twice, you never know", says Wes Brown of the upcoming clash to which he is always looking forward.

This was always my favourite game, it's just the way I was brought up," the former Manchester United hero tells while acknowledging things might have shifted a bit.


I know the younger lads would say Manchester City, which I completely understand. But it was more Liverpool in my day."

So, it is true when Peter Schmeichel says a new player at Old Trafford would instantly be taught how important games against Liverpool are, when arriving at Old Trafford?

Big Peter would probably shout it to you, to be fair," Brown says with a chuckle, before adding.

Most people understand the rivalry, it's two North West clubs that have done very well trophy-wise and have a similar background in history. It's only 20 minutes down the road and that's why the rivalry is so fierce."

Brown expects a good game and takes comfort in the fact that they are facing each other at Old Trafford.

When Klopp came out saying he's leaving the Liverpool at the end of this season, it could have gone either way, but you've seen how the players have properly taken it in. They are really playing for him at the moment. But listen, it's a game Manchester United have to step up in"

Speaking of stepping up, Harry Redknapp recently stated that not a single current Manchester United player would walk into the line-up under Alex Ferguson. Wes Brown knows what it takes as he did it over 200 times, so does he agree?

Alex Ferguson was there for many years and got the team playing how he wanted it to play. He also got the players in who he wanted. But we have got some very good young players there at the moment. I'm sure they would have been there under Sir Alex."

One of those young talents is Willy Kambwala, who's received some game time recently, not least against Manchester City.

"I've seen him a few time for the Under-23 and he's a good player. I don't think he would have been first choice this season were it not for the injuries, but I think he's done an OK job. It's vital for his experience going forward," says Brown who has also been impressed by Diogo Dalot's development this season.

When Dalot arrived, you could see he was very good on the ball. But especially in the second half of the season, he's really come into it. I think he's quicker now; he's also started to defend very well. I don't think anyone ever questioned his ability going forward.

He was always good technically, on crosses and even shooting. He looks really focused at the moment. It was a position where there was a battle for a while between Wan-Bissaka and Dalot and they both stepped up, but Dalot seems to have stepped up in strides. It looks like he's becoming a real solid player. People are really struggling to dictate that left-hand side because he's pretty much doing everything perfect."

A lot of people didn't find Erik ten Hag's tactic against Manchester City perfect. Too defensive for Manchester United, it's been called, but Brown didn't expect much else.

I always thought we were going to defend. I just think Manchester City are too good at the moment. I don't think anybody went into that game thinking we were going to batter City. The tactics pretty much worked, the first half went to plan, the second half didn't and City fully deserved the victory."

Wes Brown was speaking the on behalf of