Tribal Football

Marino backing AC Milan in Kia battle over Zirkzee deal

Marino backing AC Milan in Kia battle over Zirkzee deal
Marino backing AC Milan in Kia battle over Zirkzee deal
Marino backing AC Milan in Kia battle over Zirkzee dealAC Milan
Former Napoli sports chief Pierpaolo Marino is backing AC Milan in their row with the agent of Bologna striker Josh Zirkzee.

Kia Joorabchian is demanding a €15m commission as part of the €40m deal, something Milan is refusing to meet.


“Milan should be taken as an example. They are doing the right thing by taking a stand against something that is an unwarranted and exaggerated tax,” Marino told

“If we are talking about a 5-10 per cent cut fine, but now people give commission to those who did absolutely nothing in a negotiation process and that seems highly immoral to me.

“When commission gets so high, there needs to be an investigation from disciplinary committees. We have to rebel against this, because if one club bows down to it, then the others follow.”

He also said: “I understand if the player is a free agent and he is taken to you, but if I have already paid €40m, why should I add this too?” continued Marino.

“I doubt any club is willing to pay that, or at least there shouldn’t be. I’ve dealt with demands for commission that are disproportionate – not as high as this, but still high – and I dropped the transfer because of it.

“When it’s reasonable, for example Molina who was a free agent that we then sold on for a lot of money. However, the cost of the agent cannot be 37 per cent of the transfer. Agents ought to get a percentage of the salary from their players, not on the transfer fee.”