Tribal Football

Juventus midfielder Fagioli highlights Calhanoglu support

Juventus midfielder Fagioli highlights Calhanoglu support
Juventus midfielder Fagioli highlights Calhanoglu support
Juventus midfielder Fagioli highlights Calhanoglu supportAction Plus
Juventus midfielder Nicolo Fagioli has sung the praises of Inter Milan ace Hakan Calhanoglu.

Fagioli ended the season back in action after serving a seven-month betting ban.


And he revealed: "Calhanoglu has proved to be one of the top three, four, five midfielders in the world.

“He was one of the few people to call me after the ban. I met him a few times, he’s a fantastic person.”

Fagioli was speaking at his Italy media conference after being included in coach Luciano Spalletti's Euros squad.