Tribal Football

De Gea presented as new Fiorentina goalkeeper: Every word from today's media conference

De Gea presented as new Fiorentina goalkeeper: Every word from his media conference
De Gea presented as new Fiorentina goalkeeper: Every word from his media conferenceFiorentina
David de Gea is excited with his move to Fiorentina.

De Gea has signed a 12 month deal with Fiorentina with an option for another year.


The former Manchester United and Spain goalkeeper was presented to the local Florence media earlier today.

 "I'm very happy to be here, it's a pride to wear the purple shirt and represent Florence," he said in his opening statement. "I will give everything for Fiorentina and for the fans."


On to the questions. How was last year?

"I want to thank everyone, I'm really happy. Last year was different, I made the decision not to play but I was clear that I didn't want to retire. I trained alone and it's difficult, but I had to give 100%. When this arrived I had clear ideas about Fiorentina, it's an excellent team with a wonderful history and great fans. A really easy decision."


Do you know about the tradition of goalkeepers in Florence?

"There have been great goalkeepers here, but in general very important players. So I hope to be able to make the history of this club, giving everything and trying to help the younger ones with my experience, bringing the winning mentality and helping the team to go further. "


What can he bring to Fiorentina and Serie A? 

"I want to help the club in everything I can do, I have played many years of football but I come to give 100% and bring some experience. I promise to always at least give 100%, training hard. Serie A is one of the best leagues in the world, I can't wait to get on the pitch and face anyone."


What team goals did you set yourself?

"In Spain there is a saying that in the third you succeed and we hope that this applies to the Conference. We must not think too long term: now Parma will be there and we must win, then we evaluate match by match. And then maybe you can dream some trophies... Knowing that it will be very difficult."


Can you tell us if you had any offers during the year you were off? How do you respond to skeptics?

"I didn't play, but I didn't sit still. I was training in Manchester, then I moved to Madrid... I knew that one day I would return, to compete at the highest level. I trained very hard, even though It's complicated to do it on your own. I didn't want to retire. I spent 12 years at a huge club like Manchester United which is still my home, my heart will always be there but it was difficult for me to find reasons to evaluate my end in Manchester. So I decided to stop playing for a moment."


How long will it take to get back into shape? How do you feel?

"I'm very well, I trained every day. This weekend I was at Viola Park and I found a very good level... Maybe it will take the first few games, but for me it will be enough to get back between the posts and I'll be fine. I really have desire to spend time with classmates and get to know them."


Have you already met your teammates? Do you know that Pietro Terracciano has ousted all his predecessors?

"In any team, healthy competition is good, it is important to have high-level players and that playing is not easy but that there is always someone ready to take the place behind you. This makes you improve. I know the goalkeepers and the team, I've not been lucky enough to train with them, today will be the first and I really want to meet and get to know everyone better."


During the negotiation were you ever afraid that it would fail? Was there any other team?

"I had many offers, but I wanted to play in Serie A. And since Fiorentina had contacted me, they made everything easy. When the parties want things to go through, the negotiation is very easy and very fast. We are very happy, for me Fiorentina was the best possible option."


How is your ground play? Is there too much emphasis on that in today's football?

"There are many opinions... However, it seems that the midfielders play in goal! The goalkeeper, however, if the coach asks for it and lets him play from deep, must also have quality with his feet. The most important thing for a goalkeeper, however, is to  avoid goals and I believe I am complete in every area."


What did (coach Raffaele) Palladino tell you? What impression did it leave on you?

"I haven't been able to talk much about him yet but I know how he plays and what he likes in a goalkeeper. He likes to start from the back, attracting the opponents to create space behind the opposing lines. I think it's good football, he has to be courageous and he as a coach is. We have to improve ourselves training after training so that the coordination is perfect."


Are you happy to be able to be a point of reference for promising young people like Tommaso Vannucchi?

"I like training with young goalkeepers and giving them advice as best I can. I already trained with (Pietro) Leonardelli a few days ago and he told me it was a dream for him. For me it's wonderful."


Is the reception from the world of football regarding your return an additional motivation?

"People are happy with my return, they wanted to see me come back. And I think it's a good sign, let's hope everything goes well."


How do you plan the back-to-front approach to avoid errors?

"There are no mistakes made by a goalkeeper or a defender, it's a gear that you train and practice in training. The goalkeeper must have more passing options, as does the defender. When you make a mistake, it's everyone's mistake."


Who is the greatest goalkeeper in the world?

"Difficult, there are very strong ones. Some are better at certain things, others at others..."


How much did a city like Florence influence the choice of the team?

"The first thing for me is football, if the city is beautiful, even better. The city is spectacular, I always wanted to come to visit but first of all Fiorentina and Serie A counted in my decision. The team attracted me , the city in and of itself didn't interest me."