Tribal Football

Conte explains taking Napoli job: I felt something in my gut

Conte explains taking Napoli job: I felt something in my gut
Conte explains taking Napoli job: I felt something in my gut
Conte explains taking Napoli job: I felt something in my gutProfimedia
Antonio Conte says he's excited to be taking charge of Napoli.

The former Juventus and Inter Milan coach was presented to the local media today.


He said, "What I can promise is seriousness, a word that is often underestimated. The seriousness in giving everything for Napoli, in transmitting my culture at work, what is my mentality. Transmitting my football ideas. The goal of a coach, beyond excelling, is to make his fans proud. The fan must recognise himself in his team, our maximum goal is to make the fan proud of their players, of the football played.

"When we talk about a sweaty shirt, you know well that in football there is victory and defeat. But in defeat there must not be the extenuating circumstance of not having given our best. What I can promise is that we will give our best, more than our best because sometimes the best is not enough."

He continued: "Napoli is an important, passionate place. It was and will remain so beyond the players, coaches, and owners. The passion for football and for your team is a great peculiarity. For our part, we will try to fuel this passion, because it is already there. There is a great fire here, maybe make it even higher all together, to try to reach our goals."

Asked what he wants from the players, Conte said: "An angry face, because we come from a year in which many things did not go the right way. We will have to transfer this desire for revenge to the field, from all points of view, on a footballing and behavioral level. On the market we will try to do the best things beyond South America, Asia, Africa etc."

On choosing Napoli, Conte explained: "I chose Napoli for the project, this must be clear. I signed a 3-year contract, the president was very clear about what we can do. Because it will be retraced based on situations that are compatible with the club. The project we spoke about with the president is to find Napoli an alternative to the usual suspects in the shortest possible time.

"14 years that Napoli managed to return to Europe, there was good management, we won the championship. Last year was not a good year. It will take a bit of time and patience, I am of the 'those who have time don't wait for time' type. We will try in every way to take on this responsibility. This is the project. It gave me great enthusiasm, I felt something in my gut. I can't wait to start."