Tribal Football

AC Milan chief Ibrahimovic: Jimenez will be Theo's understudy

AC Milan chief Ibrahimovic: Jimenez will be Theo's understudy
AC Milan chief Ibrahimovic: Jimenez will be Theo's understudy
AC Milan chief Ibrahimovic: Jimenez will be Theo's understudyAC Milan/Getty
AC Milan chief Zlatan Ibrahimovic says Alex Jimenez will act as Theo Hernandez's understudy this new season.

The Spanish fullback has just been signed permanently from Real Madrid.


Ibrahimovic said: “Theo’s deputy will be Jimenez. If he doesn’t play in the first team he will play for Milan Futuro, that’s the advantage. A year ago he wouldn’t have had minutes on the pitch, now he can play and get minutes and this is very important.

“Taking Theo’s place doesn’t seem easy, but at the same time we have to give you room to grow. Without Milan Futuro in training you don’t grow. To play you have to be stronger than Theo, it’s very difficult.

"With Futuro you can give him minutes. Then it’s not Serie A, but he will grow. So yes, he will be Theo’s deputy.”