Tribal Football

Man Utd keeper Heaton offers first Ten Rouwelaar impressions

Man Utd keeper Heaton offers first Ten Roulewaar impressions
Man Utd keeper Heaton offers first Ten Roulewaar impressionsProfimedia
Manchester United goalkeeper Tom Heaton admits he's been impressed by new keeper coach Jelle ten Rouwelaar.

Ten Rouwelaar arrived a fortnight ago from Ajax.


Heaton told the Telegraph:  “I’ve really enjoyed the sessions. They are different.

“He works more on cognitive basic calls, where it’s making you think quite a bit. So on my first warm-up day, he and I went out for half an hour and it was a lot of opposites.

“So there’d be a blue cone, a yellow cone, and it was a case of doing the opposite — if he shouts blue you have to go to yellow.

“Then he passed me the ball and if he said right, it’d be left, and then the progression would be left, left, but the first one wouldn’t be an opposite and the second one would be an opposite.

“I was like; ‘What?’ But it’s good. It does make you think so you’re not just going through the motions.”