Tribal Football

Elliott proud reaching 5 years with Liverpool

Elliott proud reaching 5 years with Liverpool
Elliott proud reaching 5 years with Liverpool
Elliott proud reaching 5 years with LiverpoolAction Plus
Harvey Elliott is proud of his time with Liverpool.

The midfielder is about to complete five years since his arrival from Fulham.


He said, "Wow, it's gone very quick! It's been five unbelievable years and hopefully many more to come.

"I just need to stay working hard and keep getting my head down and playing for this team and playing for the badge. I've loved every minute of it.

"I want to play more games this season, I want to start more, kind of cement my spot in the team. I'll do what it takes.

"I feel like I'm at the age now where I need to take a lot of responsibility on. It's upon myself now to go out and do it.

"This season is going to be a big one for me. I just need to keep working hard and keep taking on the responsibility myself and just apply it into everything that I do."

He also stated to "I've been here five years on Sunday and I feel like throughout those five years I've always had those players around me to look after me, to take me under their wing and give me pointers.

"Some of the young lads are really young – I was a bit scared to speak to people and ask questions – but I feel like if I can be around them, if I can help them a little bit or just even let them know that I'm there if they need anything.

"I wouldn't say it's really my job but I'm just doing that because I've had that as well and it helped me out a lot to get where I am today.

"Everyone here are unbelievable players and we want to get them to the best possible place in their career. As I said, if I can help them out then I can."