Tribal Football

Berrada concedes Man Utd "risk" hurting on-field prospects with new stadium build

Paul Vegas
Berrada concedes Man Utd "risk" hurting on-field prospects with new stadium build
Berrada concedes Man Utd "risk" hurting on-field prospects with new stadium buildAction Plus
Manchester United chief exec Omar Berrada admits they risk more years in the title wilderness as they commit to a new stadium.

It's been announced United plan to build a new 100,000 seat stadium, dubbed 'New Trafford'. The cost is expected to be over £2bn.


A finishing date is set for 2030 and the finances involved could mean less investment in the team, admits Berrada.

He said, "That is a risk. Clearly it’s something we want to avoid.

"We don’t want to inhibit our ability to invest in the team, for us to continue being competitive while we are building a new stadium.

"There are various ways around that; one of the things we are looking at is to shorten the construction timelines so we can have a new stadium within five years, that’s our ambition.

"In the meantime, by getting our finances back in order and becoming profitable, we believe we can be very competitive."



However, Berrada also insists: “It is clear that our ambition is to have the best team in the world with the best and most iconic stadium in the world.

“We want to have some of the best players playing at Old Trafford in front of our fans.

“Our fans deserve to see a team that they can be proud of and can connect with — and to be able to do that in an amazing venue like the one we have shown.

“We obviously want the stadium to give us additional revenues for us to be able to invest into the team, and I think that’s going to help.

“One of the biggest upsides is to give the best experience to our fans, to be able to accommodate more fans into the stadium.

“But it is true that the additional revenues will help finance the talent that the fans will see on the pitch.”