Tribal Football

Laporta's ex-economic chief launches furious Barcelona blast: Laughing stock of the world!

Carlos Volcano
Laporta's ex-economic chief launches furious Barcelona blast: Laughing stock of the world!
Laporta's ex-economic chief launches furious Barcelona blast: Laughing stock of the world!LaLiga
Jaume Giro has launched a furious attack on Barcelona president Joan Laporta.

Giro was nominated as economic vice-president as part of Laporta's original presidential running ticket. However, upon Laporta winning election, Giro quietly stepped aside.


However, he has now re-emerged to express his disappointment with the state of Barca's finances.

In a column for Ara, Giro wrote this week: “The nightmare of any comedian in front of an audience is wanting to make people laugh but make them cry. There is something even worse: a dramatic actor who wants to make people cry but makes them laugh. Barça is starting to look like a club that, installed in tragedy, is starting to stage a farce. It won’t be long before Barcelona is the laughing stock of the whole world, if it isn’t already.

“If Barça were a circus instead of a football club, we would be shocked to see that jugglers and tightrope walkers have taken over the management of the company. Convinced of their abilities, they apply the same skills they have mastered to management: they walk a tightrope without a net, without a stabilising bar and, what is worse, without balance.

“If things continue like this, we will stop talking about jugglers and start talking about clowns (...) the circle that was once virtuous now points towards an abyss with the remains of which it will not even be possible to make an omelette."

As a final note, Giró compares Barcelona to “a joke club”: “Barça is more than a club, in large part, because Catalonia is less than a state. But if Barça continues as it has been doing in recent years, determined to show itself to the world as less than a club , then the image of the club and of Catalonia will be terribly damaged.”