Tribal Football

LaLiga president Tebas: I'll help Lim sell Valencia - but we can't force him

LaLiga president Tebas: I'll help Lim sell Valencia - but we can't force him
LaLiga president Tebas: I'll help Lim sell Valencia - but we can't force himProfimedia
LaLiga president Javier Tebas has warned Valencia fans over their protests against owner Peter Lim.

Tebas says the backlash against the Singaporean's management of the club is making a sale more unlikely.


He said: "I am not going to talk about my conversations with Peter Lim . Any club can be sold, Valencia or any other, but the seller will want to sell it at a price and a demand. What you cannot pretend is to try to force someone to sell. That is what I have seen happen in Valencia this time, it is detrimental if you really want Peter Lim to sell. Because what you are doing is scaring away buyers.

"Because if a buyer comes who is not a black-leg buyer or one of those who is not liked by a few people there, on top of the price that has to be paid, people are not going to go to buy. If one season goes badly, they will throw 30,000 people at them. That scares them away.

"It is the opposite. If the new stadium has a crane, it is much easier for Peter Lim to sell, why? Because that gives value to sell, it attracts investors. But they are pretending that a group that I know well wants to impose a price, and if they don't give me that price, I'll turn people against them."

The president of the association then compared Valencia 's situation with that generated by Augusto Lendoiro at Deportivo La Coruna,.

"I empathise with reality. And the reality is that Valencia has been a great club, but let's not forget the debt it has generated to be a great club. That also happened with Deportivo . With Lendoiro it played in Europe and ended up owing 90 million to the Tax Agency. And let the one who sells pay. If we want Peter Lim to leave, let's be intelligent, you can't force him, because he's not going to sell. And Peter Lim will surely want to sell the club at any time or wants to sell it today, I'm not going to say what he intends. But it's not the right way for Peter Lim to sell.

"And I've said this to the authorities and I'm going to repeat it publicly. And if I have to help Peter Lim sell the club, of course I will help him. But you have to see the price at which he wants to sell it and what he considers himself to be  satisfied. There are buyers for all the clubs in Spain, not just for Valencia , you would be surprised."