Tribal Football

Cruyff link as three challengers emerge to Laporta's Barcelona presidency

Cruyff link as three challengers emerge to Laporta's Barcelona presidency
Cruyff link as three challengers emerge to Laporta's Barcelona presidency LaLiga
Three early challengers to Joan Laporta's presidency have emerged.

Laporta's board has a mandate to 2026. However, there is a push for the president to bring forward the election to next year.


AS says Victor Font, who ran in the last election, intends to put himself forward again.

The founder of payment platform, BIZUM, Jordi Termes is also in the frame to put together a ticket for a presidential run.

And a third name has emerged in Joan Camprubi. 

Camprubí is the grandson and great-grandson of two former Barcelona presidents. His great-grandfather, Agustí Montal i Galobart, presided over the club between 1946 and 1952, and his grandfather, Agustí Montal i Costa, did so between 1969 and 1977. He was the president who supported Catalanism in his board and who signed Johan Cruyff as a player

It's been suggested Camprubi could join forces with Font to form a unity ticket to challenge Laporta.