Tribal Football

Jones speaks about working with Slot, his season aims and how LeBron is his inspiration

Jones speaks about working with Slot, his season aims and how LeBron is his inspiration
Jones speaks about working with Slot, his season aims and how LeBron is his inspiration
Jones speaks about working with Slot, his season aims and how LeBron is his inspirationAction Plus
Liverpool star Curtis Jones has spoken on a number of topics including working under manager Arne Slot, his development plan and who has inspired him throughout his career.

Liverpool are in currently in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania ahead of their friendly with Real Betis later tonight which will kick off their preseason tour of the USA. 


Ahead of the game Jones has spoken on various topics such as working with Slot and how his style of play suits the midfielder. 

“He’s amazing, actually. I’ve said it a lot, it’s probably the happiest I’ve been in terms of a style of play that suits me and the lads that we have in our team, it’s a clear plan. In the training stuff, he is fully involved, he coaches us a lot, he is big on the finer details in things. He has a certain way of playing and he knows it is going to take a little bit of time because it is obviously a big change.” 

The 22-year-old also talked about preseason preparations and what Slot is like off the pitch. 

“It is similar, actually. The goals are there, of course. It’s intense, but again as I’ve said, he is a man who has come in, he has a new style of play, so we’re out there and we’re trying to work, trying to learn his way of playing and his style. I wouldn’t say it’s harder, it’s just a big change. 

“Great man, he always has a smile on his face. You can approach him at any single time. You can ask for him and he has brought in a thing where there is a guy we are working with who will be showing our clips from training and stuff, showing all the things we are doing well and the stuff we need to improve on as well. I find that a huge help.” 

Jones has been at the club since age 9 and now believes he can become a leader in the squad. 

“I have been around the team now for a long time, I don’t see myself as a kid anymore, I’m experienced, I’ve played over 100 games for the club. I’ve played in the Champions League, the Premier League and all the cups. Of course, there has been a big change in the team with lads who have gone and lads who have come in. I’m probably one of the lads who have been around the first team for the longest, along with the likes of Trent, Virg and Ali. I came into the team when I was 17 or 18, so I have been around now for long enough. I wouldn’t say I am the most experienced in terms of all the games that I’ve played, but in terms of I know what this club wants, what the fans want and what this team wants as well, I’d say yeah.” 

Jones also met LeBron James who has been a hero to him throughout his career. 

That (meeting LeBron) was just the other day, actually, in London. It was a nice experience. It was different, obviously it was basketball so a whole different sport – but I say all the time I always try to look at the elite in all the games around the world and he is one I have listened to a lot, in podcasts I’ve heard about how he prepares for games, how professional he is, how much he is inside the gym and things like that. He is known as being one of the best at what he does, so although we play a separate sport, he is still somebody I can learn things from. It was nice to see him play.