Tribal Football

Sevilla coach Sanchez Flores denies 'black list'; delays future plans

Sevilla coach Sanchez Flores denies 'black list'; delays future plans
Sevilla coach Sanchez Flores denies 'black list'; delays future plans
Sevilla coach Sanchez Flores denies 'black list'; delays future plansFlashscore
Sanchez Flores has guided Sevilla to Primera safety in recent games.

He said yesterday: "What I believe is that when you pass through a place you should leave a trace of professionalism and respect. It is something that I feel. We have gone through a very complex journey together and we all owe each other a very special affection. I am very grateful to the Sevillistas.


"There are four games left and when the season ends it will be time to communicate what will happen. There are three weeks left. After everything that has happened, it is very little.

"I do not feel able right now to sit down and talk about a project that has not arrived because the current one has not been closed. I do ask that I be respected in these three weeks and given space to think.

"There are things that I don't agree. In the programs they started saying that I had made lists or I don't know what, and it seems disrespectful to me. I have nothing to do with it until the season is over. I don't make blacklists or any kind."