Tribal Football

Marek Hamsik explains turning down Napoli

Marek Hamsik explains turning down Napoli
Marek Hamsik explains turning down NapoliFlashscore
New Napoli coach Francesco Calzona wanted Hamsik as his No2, but the former Azzurri turned him down. Calzona will also remain Slovakia coach.

He explained on RTVS: "For Calzona, being in Naples is like a dream come true. Everything has been done to satisfy all parties. But it's something that the Federation took care of and had to give its ok.


"Tomorrow I will be in Naples for the match against Barcelona, but it was a trip that had already been planned for some time: when the draw took place I decided not to miss a super match, it wasn't a choice linked to the coach."

On his offer, Hamsik, who is Slovakia team manager, added: "Calzona contacted me when there was the possibility. He wants me with him. Tomorrow I will definitely see De Laurentiis in Naples, but I have already explained to both of them that I feel I have to stay in Slovakia and not in Naples. an attractive offer for me, Naples is my second home and one day I would like to return there. But this is not the right time."