Tribal Football

Luton boss Edwards admits going to Man City short of numbers

Luton boss Edwards admits going to Man City short of numbers
Luton boss Edwards admits going to Man City short of numbers
Luton boss Edwards admits going to Man City short of numbersFlashscore
Edwards says they struggling for personnel at the back.

He said: "We are already depleted. It is a huge challenge at the best of times (facing Man City). The players have been great, the players that are available have been amazing.


"For them to be giving us what they have over this last month or so when it's been really tough. They deserve so much credit and they are going to go and deliver again tomorrow, I know that. What I can't guarantee is a victory or any kind of points."

Reece Burke and Teden Mengi havve not trained all week.

We've got seven centre halves at this club and not one has trained this week," said Edwards. Maybe we get one, maybe we get both, but maybe we don't get either.

Teden twice pushed through to help us win the game last week against Bournemouth and was in a lot of pain."