Tribal Football

Liverpool hero Aldridge slams Man Utd fans' attitude: Disgusting

Liverpool hero Aldridge slams Man Utd fans' attitude: Disgusting
Liverpool hero Aldridge slams Man Utd fans' attitude: Disgusting
Liverpool hero Aldridge slams Man Utd fans' attitude: DisgustingFlashscore
Ahead of today's clash at Old Trafford, Aldridge recalled a past summer incident.

He wrote for the Sunday World: "Back when I was 18 and supporting Liverpool home and away as a fan, I was set upon by a bunch of lads at Old Trafford and given a proper kicking.


"They threw me in front of a bus for good measure. I did well to get out of that in one piece.

"Yet don't think for a second that level of animosity has died down in recent years.

"I love my cricket and I was at The Ashes not long ago on a day when it got rained off.

"So I went up the road from Old Trafford cricket ground with my son and his mate and we were having a great time.

"Everyone was singing Sweet Caroline, England's Barmy Army playing their instruments and there was a great atmosphere all round.

"Then, out of nowhere, I got a tap on the shoulder and it was the security guard, the doorman in the pub.

"He said 'John, I'm really sorry, but you're going to have to leave'.

"I protested and said I was quite happy where I was, but the fella told me that the Manchester lads were all on their phones and were coming to get me.

"I couldn't believe it. A 56-year-old fella who hasn't played for Liverpool for 25 years and United fans are coming to get me?

"My response to the bouncer was, 'I'll take my chances, I'm not leaving'.

"But the doorman insisted that I needed to go and said it was his responsibility to make sure I was safe and that was the end of it.

"I was absolutely gutted, I thought it was disgusting.

"If that was Bobby Charlton, Denis Law or Roy Keane in a pub in Liverpool, there may have been a bit of banter and some stick flying around, but our lads would have bought them a pint!"