Tribal Football

LEAKED! Ratcliffe 'disgrace' email to Man Utd staff in full

LEAKED! Ratcliffe 'disgrace' email to Man Utd staff in full
LEAKED! Ratcliffe 'disgrace' email to Man Utd staff in full
LEAKED! Ratcliffe 'disgrace' email to Man Utd staff in fullFlashscore
The club's new investor Sir Jim Ratcliffe has ended their work from home policy.

The 71-year-old, who owns 25 percent of the club, wants all staff to come into the office.


In the email, as obtained by The Sun, Ratcliffe wrote: I had a good tour around the some of the facilities. I am afraid I was struck in many places by a high degree of untidiness. In particular the IT department which frankly was a disgrace and the dressing rooms of the U18 and U21 were not much better.

These standards would not come close to what we would expect at INEOS and we are a chemical company. Manchester United is an elite sporting organization. It's a small thing in many ways but unless an organization has standards and discipline it will not succeed.

I would be grateful in future if we adopt the proper standards of housekeeping everywhere. It reflects poorly on the club if we have visitors, young player parents, new players and and the media and they see we don't care enough to keep things shipshape."

On his working from the office policy, per The Guardian, Ractliffe told staff: "If you don't like it, please seek alternative employment."