Tribal Football

Juventus great Del Piero: Give Yildiz the No10 shirt

Juventus great Del Piero: Give Yildiz the No10 shirt
Juventus great Del Piero: Give Yildiz the No10 shirt
Juventus great Del Piero: Give Yildiz the No10 shirtFlashscore
Del Piero believes Yildiz should take the No10 shirt.

Yildiz is certainly among the young players I like the most, he has already shown some of what he can do," Del Piero told Radio Serie A.


I would give him the Number 10 shirt. Last season, Nicol Fagioli and Fabio Miretti already did great things, and seeing as they are Italian, it is good for both Juve and the Nazionale.

There are lots of promising young players, but we mustn't rush to judge, so we can give them time to express themselves without undue pressure."