Tribal Football

Genoa coach Gilardino delighted committing to new contract

Tribal Football
Genoa coach Gilardino delighted committing to new contract
Genoa coach Gilardino delighted committing to new contractFlashscore
Gilardino is to sign a new deal to 2026 in the coming days.

The coach, upon receiving the "Telenord-Gianni Di Marzio" award, said: "I am the coach of a team, of a club, of a place where there is great passion.


"There is also pressure, so as far as I'm concerned, it's my characteristic. I think about working on the field and I try to maintain this type in profile, transmitting it to the team.

'I think it is an input, a DNA that we have maintained over the months and that is what we have tried to build since the training camp. Because Genoa must be this, it must be able to reflect the passion, the desire to sacrifice itself to the last one."

He said of Genoa's plans: "Bologna reached this goal in ten years, the same thing happened with Gasperini's Atalanta in 8-9 years. It's a growth path that a team and a coach must undertake. It takes time, it's natural. Ambition drives us. It is essential to have it and convey it to the team."