Tribal Football

Ex-Chelsea defender Xavier Mbuyamba announces defibrillator fitted

Ex-Chelsea defender Xavier Mbuyamba announces defibrillator fitted
Ex-Chelsea defender Xavier Mbuyamba announces defibrillator fitted
Ex-Chelsea defender Xavier Mbuyamba announces defibrillator fittedFlashscore
Now with FC Volendam, Mbuyamba left Chelsea in 2022, having been signed from Barcelona.

After missing for much of the season, the defender announced: "After a long spell of silence I can now say why I have been away.


"During my annual check-up I found out that I had a disturbed heart rhythm. This came as a big surprise, as I hadn't noticed any change in my health.

"After this discovery I had a string of extensive medical tests. This is why I have played so seldom this season.

"The doctors, FC Volendam and I decided that I would have a S-ICD defibrillator implanted as primary prevention.

"The first stage of my rest and recovery is now over, and I have begun training on my own.

"I'll work on making my return for Volendam, and rest assured I'll be back in the team this season.

"How did I feel? Of course I had concerns at first about my health.

"But I always felt this would not pose a problem or hinder my football career. I am a winner, and a fighter!"