Tribal Football

Departing Sevilla coach Sanchez Flores: Ramos was...

Departing Sevilla coach Sanchez Flores: Ramos was...
Departing Sevilla coach Sanchez Flores: Ramos was...
Departing Sevilla coach Sanchez Flores: Ramos was...Flashscore
The veteran defender had six months at Sevilla, helping them beat the drop.

Sanchez Flores said: Exceptional. There are players who, without having it, already feel you share the same blood with. We have shared 20 years of profession, almost without greetings, without exchanging shirts but there is a connection. How he lives the profession, from leadership, understanding I am fortunate to have known him.


"He helped me understand things. He explained a lot about where I had landed. He helped to understand times and is a good instrument of dialogue to interact with colleagues.

I'm not sure if he's going to continue. He loves Sevilla very much but I think he doesn't want to be part of the scene of a catastrophe. If you don't sense that things are going to be done very well"