Tribal Football

Crystal Palace boss Glasner: Johnstone disappointed

Crystal Palace boss Glasner: Johnstone disappointed
Crystal Palace boss Glasner: Johnstone disappointed
Crystal Palace boss Glasner: Johnstone disappointedFlashscore
The goalkeeper's season is over due to an elbow injury.

Glasner said: "He's of course disappointed, but he's now starting the rehab process, and he has all our support so that he will be back as fast as possible. This injury takes several months. Yes, it's tough, but he's a great sportsman and he has all our support. It's very tough for him and also tough for us, but with Dean Henderson, we have a great goalkeeper. He's now the number one and we fully trust him.


"I saw the video (of his injury) and very often it doesn't look really bad, but the outcome was bad. It was a shot and I don't know how often you have it in a career as a goalkeeper, 1,000 times? And once, it has a bad consequence, and this was the time but nobody's to blame.

"We will support him to come back stronger than before. He's been a professional for many years and I think it's not his first injury, so he will have to deal with it as a professional player. He will deal with it, and he has our support, but it's too far in the future to talk about it. He's had the surgery, now it's recovery time and then the rehab process will start."