Souness slams Man Utd: Who do they think they are?

Tribal Football
Souness slams Man Utd: Who do they think they are?
Souness slams Man Utd: Who do they think they are?
Souness slams Man Utd: Who do they think they are?Flashscore
Souness wrote for the Daily Mail: "I don't get the pass the buck culture at Manchester United, it's an old cliche but look in the bloody mirror.

"It's a trend of the modern game to hear players disconnecting with the coach because they are unsure whether he will be manager come the summer, they blame his tactics, the coaching, the selection. As a player, when my team played badly it was OUR fault. It wasn't the manager's, it wasn't the tactics, it wasn't down to the coaches' messages, it was down to us.

"This United squad is getting away Scot free. They've been s***! You are representing Manchester United, don't blame anyone else but yourself. It is immaterial who the manager is, you are the one that pulls on the United shirt come Saturday.

"Who out of this lot truly deserves to be wearing a United shirt?

"We see Bruno Fernandes hinting he may go. That shows player power these days. It used to be once you signed a contract, the club decided when you left, now the players tell the clubs when they are leaving. I'm on slightly dodgy ground as I pushed to leave Middlesbrough in 1978 but at least I was pushing to join the European champions.

"But I don't know where these guys think they should be. They must be waking up every day thinking 'Am I dreaming? Or am I really a Manchester United player?' And many of us are asking the same question about them.

"They shouldn't be concerned with uncertainty about the manager, take pride in yourself."